PAT Hirschmann Wika DS350 G/GW Error Codes
- on September 06, 2024
- Categories: News
E01 Minimum radius or maximum angle range exceeded
Cause: Fallen below the minimum radius or above the angle given in the load chart due to raising the boom to far.
Action: Lower boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart.
E02 Maximum radius or minimum angle range exceeded
Cause: The maximum radius or minimum angle given in the load chart was exceeded due to lowering the boom too far.
Action: Raise boom back to a radius or angle given in the load chart.
E03 Prohibited slewing range (no load area)
Cause: Slewing range prohibited with load.
Action: Slew back into admissible range.
E04 Operating mode not available
Cause: Operating mode switch in the console set incorrectly. Operating mode is not permissible with actual crane configuration.
Action: Set operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the operating mode of the crane.
E05 Length range not permitted
Cause: Boom has been extended too far or not far enough. Length sensor adjustment changed; i.e. length sensor cable slid off the cable drum.
Action: Retract or extend boom to correct length given in the load chart.
E06 Fallen below angle range with luffing jib operation.
Cause: Fallen below the minimum jib angle specified n the respective load chart due to luffing out the jib too far.
Action: Luff in the jib to a radius or angle specified in the load chart.
E07 No acknowledgment signal from overload relay (K1).
Cause: Overload relay is stuck, defective or not being selected.
Anti-Two-Block switch relay is defective or not being selected.
Action:Replace relay.
E08 No acknowledgment signal from Anti-Two- Block switch relay (K2).
Cause: Overload relay is stuck, defective or not being selected.
Anti-Two-Block switch relay is defective or not being selected.
Action: Replace relay.
E11 Fallen below limit for the measuring channel “length”.
Cause: a.) Cable between length sensor and central unit defective not connected or water in the connectors. b.)Length sensor Potentiometer defective. c.)Electronic board in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.)Check cable and connector as well and replace, if necessary. Section 6.
b.)Replace and reset length sensor Potentiometer. See Section 6.
c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E12 Fallen below lower limit value for the measuring channel “pressure transducer piston side”.
Cause:a.) Cable leading from the central unit to the pressure transducer defective, loose or water in the connector. b.)Pressure transducer on piston side defective. c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.)Check cable and connector as well and replace, if necessary.
b.)Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel..
c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E13 Fallen below lower limit value for the measuring channel “pressure transducer rod side”.
Cause: a.)Cable leading from the central unit to the pressure transducer defective, loose or water in the connector. b.)Pressure transducer on rod side defective.
c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action:: a.)Check cable and connectors as well and replace, if necessary. b.)Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channel.
c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels..
E14 Fallen below lower limit value for the measuring channel “force”.
Cause: a.)Cable leading from the central unit to the pressure transducer defective, loose or water in the connector. b.)Force transducer defective. c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.)Check cable and connectors as well and replace, if necessary. b.)Replace force transducer. c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E15 Fallen below lower limit value for the measuring channel “angle main boom”.
Cause: a.)Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose.
b.)Angle sensor defective. c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.)Check cable. Replace if necessary. See Section 6 b.)Replace angle sensor and reset adjustment.
c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels. .
E16 Fallen below lower limit value for measuring channel “Luffing Jib Angle”.
Cause: a.)Cable from central unit to angle sensor defective or disconnected or water inside the plug.
b.)Angle sensor defective. c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a).Check cable as well as plug, replace if need be. b.)Replace angle sensor. c.)Replace Main board and reset pressure channels.
E17 Fallen below lower limit value for the measuring channel 7.
Cause: a.)Cable leading from the central unit to the sensor of channel 7 defective, loose or water in the connectors. b.)Sensor of channel 7 defective.
c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel 7 defective.
Action: a.)Check cable as well as connectors and replace, if necessary.
b.)Replace sensor of channel 7 and reset adjustment. c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E19 Error in the reference voltage.
Cause: Electronic component on the main board defective.
Action: Replace main board and reset pressure channels
E20 No analog voltages
Cause: a.)The crane supply voltage is too low.
b.)The voltage converter is defective or short circuit in the wiring.
Action: a.)Check crane voltage. b.)Check supply voltages.
E21 Upper limiting value for the measuring channel “length” exceeded.
Cause: a.)Cable from central unit to the length/angle sensor defective or loose. b.)Length potentiometer defective.
c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board.
Action: a.)Check cable. Replace if necessary. See Section 6. b.)Replace and reset length potentiometer.
c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E22 Upper limiting value for the measuring channel “pressure piston side” exceeded.
Cause: a.)Cable from central unit to the pressure transducer defective, loose or water in the plug.
b.)Pressure transducer on piston side defective. c.)Electronic component in the measuring channel defective on main board.
Action: a.)Check cable as well as plug. Replace if necessary. b.)Replace pressure transducer and reset pressure channels. c.)Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E23 Upper limit value for the measuring channel “pressure transducer rod side” exceeded.
Cause: a.) Cable from the central unit to press trans defective, not connected or water in the connectors.
b.) Pressure transducer on rod side defective.
c.) Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.) Check cable and connectors as well and replace, if necessary.
b.) Replace pressure transducer c.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E24 Upper limit value for the measuring channel “force” exceeded.
Cause: a.) Cable leading from the central unit to the force transducer defective, not connected or water in the connectors.
b.) Force transducer defective.
c.) Electric component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.) Check cable and connectors as well and replace, if necessary.
b.) Replace force transducer. c.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E25 Upper limit value for the measuring channel “angle main boom” exceeded.
Cause: a.) Cable leading from the central unit to the length/angle sensor defective, loose or water I the connectors.
b.) Angle sensor defective
c.) Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.) Check cable as well as connectors and replace, if necessary. Section No. 6. b.) Replace angle sensor and reset adjustment.
c.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E26 Upper limit value for the measuring channel “Luffing Jib Angle” exceeded.
Cause: a.) Cable leading from the central unit to the jib angle sensor defective, loose or water in the connectors.
b.) Jib angle sensor defective. c.) Electronic component in the measuring channel defective.
Action: a.) Check cable as well as connectors and replace, if necessary.
b.) Replace jib angle sensor and reset adjustment.
c.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E27 Upper limit value for the measuring channel 7 exceeded.
Cause: a.) Cable leading from the central unit to the sensor of channel 7 defective, loose or water in the connectors.
b.) Sensor of channel 7 defective.
c.) Electronic component in the measuring channel 7 defective.
Action: a.) Check cable as well as connectors and replace, if necessary.
b.) Replace sensor of channel 7 and reset adjustment.
c.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E29 Reference voltage defective.
Cause: a.) The total of the supply and the reference voltages on MP10 is more than 3.3V
b.) A/D converter defective.
Action: a.) Check supply voltages. b.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E31 Error in the system program.
Cause: a.) EPROM with system program defective.
b.) Electronic component on the main board defective.
Action: a.) Replace system program EPROM
b.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E37 Error in the program run
Cause: a.) EPROM with system program defective.
b.) Electronic component on the main board defective.
Action: a.) Replace system program EPROM.
b.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels. .
E38 Wrong system program in the LMI.
Cause: The system program in the LMI does not correspond to the programming in the data EPROM
Action: Replace system program EPROM
E41 Error in the external RAM.
Action: Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Section7
E 42 Error in the external write/read memory (RAM).
Cause: Internal defect in digital part of CPU.
Action: Exchange write/read memory (CMOS-RAM). Replace main board and reset pressure channels. See Section 7.
E45 Error in internal communications
Defective electronic component.
Replace main board and reset pressure channels. Section 7.
E48 Malfunction in the monitored write/read memory.
Cause: Internal defect in digital part of CPU
Action: Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E 51Error in data memory.
Data EPROM on the main board defective.
Replace Data EPROM. Make sure BR3 on the main board is installed.
E71 Incorrect acknowledgment of the 1. Relay on the terminal board A101.
Cause: a.) Anti Two-block relay is stuck or defective.
b.) Anti Two-Block relay is not being selected due to a break on the terminal board A101, main board or ribbon cables.
Action: a.) Replace 1. relay.
b.) Check terminal board A101, main board and ribbon cables as well as replace defective part, if necessary.
E72 - E77 Analogous to E71 for the relays 2...7.
Cause: Analogous to E71 for the relays 2...7.
Action: Analogous to E71 for the relays 2..7.
E89 Change of the operating code during lifting a load.
Cause: The operating mode switch in the console was used during lifting a load.
Action: Lower the load and set the operating mode switch correctly to the code assigned to the actual operating mode of the crane.
E 91 No data transmission from console to central unit. (See Section 8 and 9)
Cause: a.)This causes no display. b.)Interruption or accidental ground in the line from console electronics to central unit.
c.)Transmitter/receiver module defective.
Action: a.)Check the connection between console electronics and central unit.
b.)If you find an accidental ground, the transmitter module in the console electronics can be damaged. You should, therefore, replace the console electronics. Replace console electronics or main board respectively.
E92 Error in the data transmission from console to central unit. (See also Section 8 and 9)
Cause: a.) Temporary interruption of the data line from console electronics to central unit. b.) Transmitter/receiver module defective.
Action: a.) Check the connection between console electronics and central unit.
E93 Error in the data transmission from central unit to console. (See also Section 8 and 9)
Cause: a.) Temporary interruption of the data line from console electronics to central unit. b.) Transmitter/receiver module defective.
Action: a.) Check the connection between console electronics and central unit.
b.) Replace console electronics or main board respectively.
E94 No data transmission from central unit to console.
Cause: a.) Interruption or accidental ground in the line from console electronics to central unit.
b.) Transmitter/receiver module defective.
c.) Data-EPROM defective. d.) CPU defective.
e.) Electromagnetic interference (when switching contractors or valves)
Action: a.) Check the connection between console electronics and central unit. If you find an accidental ground, the transmitter module in the console electronics can be damaged. Replace the console electronics.
b.) Replace console electronics or main board respectively. c.)Check data EPROM.
d.) Replace main board.
e.) Eliminate interference source by inverse diodes or varistors.
Replace console main board & Appendix A.
E95 Error in the crane data EPROM
Cause: a.) Data EPROM defective b.) Position of jumper for the selection of the type of EPROM is wrong
c.) Electronics component on the main board defective.
Action: a.) Replace data EPROM b.) Check the jumper position c.) Replace main board and reset pressure channels.
E96 Error in the internal RAM of the CPU of the console
Cause: CPU or main board of the console defective
Action: Replace console main board & Appendix A.
E97 Error in the external RAM of the CPU of the console
Cause: a.) External RAM of the console defective
b.) Electronic component on the main board defective.
Action: a.) Replace console main board b.) Replace console main board
E98 Wrong jumper position in the console
Cause: a.) The jumper position BR 9/BR 10 in the console does not correspond to the actual type of central unit.
b.) Electronic component on the main board defective.
Action: a.) Check the jumper position b.) Replace console main board.