The 024-350-300-081 PAT main board is the most common main board found on current PAT Hirschmann LMI systems including many of the PAT DS350 Crane Warning Systems.
The board will often be listed under the newer 024-350-300-281 part number, thought the original part number was changed years ago from 081 to 281, the board is the same.
Replacement of the 024350300081 main board is a simple plug and play process. The customer simply needs to take their crane specific software on the eprom out of the old main board and place it back on the new main board. The new main board can then simply be connected to the old ribbon cable and will function immediately.
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Contact us toll free in the US at 855.BODE.TEC or internationally at +1.303.433.8878
The 024-350-300-081 PAT main board is the most common main board found on current PAT Hirschmann LMI systems including many of the PAT DS350 Crane Warning Systems.
The board will often be listed under the newer 024-350-300-281 part number, thought the original part number was changed years ago from 081 to 281, the board is the same.
Replacement of the 024350300081 main board is a simple plug and play process. The customer simply needs to take their crane specific software on the eprom out of the old main board and place it back on the new main board. The new main board can then simply be connected to the old ribbon cable and will function immediately.
Get additional information by CLICKING HERE
Contact us toll free in the US at 855.BODE.TEC or internationally at +1.303.433.8878
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4737 North Ocean Drive
Suite 206
Fort Lauderdale FL 33308